Contact and downloads

Postal address
Rapsweg 4
57439 Attendorn
Production and warehouse
Baumschulweg 7
57413 Finnentrop
Consulting services
How can you convince yourself of our services without buying a “pig in a poke”?
Quite simply:
1. Free demonstration
We will demonstrate the performance of our cleaning concentrates on your machines free of charge. Because only what you can see is convincing. On request, we will create your individual cleaning concept and show you your savings potential.
2. Engineering services on a contingency basis
We offer all engineering services on a contingency basis. This means that payment is only made for successfully completed projects. If the project is not successful, only an expense allowance (travel expenses, possibly incurred accommodation costs) has to be paid.
Food safety certificate
Our cleaning concentrates are certified as foodsafe and comply with the FDA regulations. They are also suitable for cleaning machines and tools on which food packaging or medical plastic parts are produced.

Documents for cleaning concentrate “per-tas”
- Instruction manual for:
- Safety data sheet
- Bisphenol A analysis

Documents for cleaning concentrate “ver-rus”
- Instruction manual for:
- Safety data sheet
- Bisphenol A analysis
Documents for cleaning concentrate “sol-pur”
- Instruction manual for:
- Safety data sheet
- Bisphenol A analysis sol-pur
Presentation “Effective solution for the cleaning process”
Presentation of the product advantages, pointing out the problem areas and demonstrating the possible solutions for various applications.